Things You Need to Know about Gastric Endoscopy

Gastric endoscopy or gastric binoculars are performed to determine the condition of the stomach more clearly and clearly. This examination is generally recommended for those of you who often experience a variety of complaints related to gastric disease, such as repeated heartburn. This procedure is done using an endoscope, which is a hose-shaped device with a camera at the end. Not only serves to take pictures or videos, gastric endoscopy can also be used to take gastric tissue, as a sample biopsy.

Purpose of Gastric Endoscopy

Actually the main purpose of gastric endoscopy is to help doctors see conditions in the stomach and detect abnormalities in the stomach, such as wounds, inflammation or gastric infection, and gastric cancer. If at the time of gastric endoscopy there are signs of cancer, the doctor can immediately do a biopsy or take a tissue sample. Gastric tissue samples will be examined in the laboratory to determine whether the tissue is cancerous, and what type of cancer is in the tissue.

Gastric Endoscopy Preparation

Before performing gastric endoscopy, there are several preparations that need to be done, including:

Medical history check

Before undergoing endoscopic procedures, of course the doctor will also ask or check your complete medical history. Starting from the history of the disease that you experienced at that time or surgery that has been undertaken, to a history of illness in the family.

Drug history check

All information about health and the medicines you consume will affect the procedure for gastric endoscopy, especially regarding previous medication consumption. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to certain drugs, or if you are taking medication.

Fasting before surgery

Generally the doctor will ask you to undergo fasting about 6-12 hours before undergoing endoscopic examination. This is necessary because the stomach must be empty when an endoscope is performed. To ensure this, the doctor will likely give a laxative the night before.

Gastric Endoscopy Procedure

After various preparations are completed, the doctor will begin the gastric endoscopy procedure by giving a sedative or anesthetic. Anesthetics are generally given in the form of injections or liquid that is sprayed into the throat through the mouth. After anesthesia, you will feel calmer, maybe even fall asleep. The aim is that when the endoscope is inserted through the mouth into the stomach, you do not feel pain. During this procedure, the doctor will examine in detail the presence or absence of disturbances in your stomach, be it injury, bleeding, signs of infection, or abnormal tissue growth. The condition of the stomach cavity and stomach wall will be clearly seen through images captured by the camera at the end of the endoscope. This image can be recorded in the form of photos and videos. The results of gastric endoscopy will support the results of other tests, to determine the diagnosis and cause of the stomach disease that you are suffering from. Thus, the doctor can provide appropriate treatment. In general, gastric endoscopy is a safe examination. After the examination, patients are also usually allowed to go home the same day. Therefore, you don't need to worry if your doctor recommends this. So that the examination runs smoothly and the results are clear, ask your doctor about what preparations you need to do.


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